Welcome to the Librarianship Training E-Learning (ELDIKA),
a collection of virtual classrooms as a place for online librarianship learning
for librarians. We, the National Library of Indonesia Education and Training Center are committed to developing the competence of Library Staff in Indonesia. Various kinds of training and education for you related to librarianship are available here.
The National Library of Indonesia is committed to developing staff competence
Libraries in Indonesia. Various kinds of Training and Education for you
related to Librarianship is available here.


Diklat Penyuluh Minat dan Gemar Membaca Angkatan I Tahun 2024


Tatat KurniawatiKunduri, M.pdDr. Ahmad MasykuriAhmad MuslimDra. Nelwaty, S.S., M.Si.Agus SuprianaAtis TaufikEdi Wiyono, S.Sos, M.Tr.A.PSari Yuliastuti,

Introduction Eldika

This course is a brief guide to using the Eldika facility at the National Library of Indonesia's Education and Training Center. The goal of this course is to provide instructions on how to use functions in activities in Eldika. Use e-learning in teaching and learning activities will help teachers and students use it more effectively.

Gunawan Hadiwibowo